
Jeet Association for Support to Cancer Patients

Car T-cell Therapy

Our body has two main types of blood cells, Red Blood Cells (RBC) and White Blood Cells (WBC).
WBC help fight and prevent infection. There are several types of WBCs. The two most important
types are neutrophils and lymphocytes. Of these lymphocytes are further divided into two types, B
lymphocytes and T lymphocytes.

In CAR T Cell therapy, these T lymphocytes are collected from the patient’s blood and changed in the
laboratory such that they have an extra antenna like structure added to it which helps to find and bind the cancer cells. This newly added extra antenna to the T cell in scientific terms is called as
Chimeric Antigen Receptor and therefore the name CAR T Cell therapy.

The doctor will pass a needle in to the vein. They then connect it to a machine with a tube which draws a small amount of blood sample. The machine collects the WBCs from the blood and returns
the remaining blood back to the patient’s body.

The collected sample is then sent to the laboratory for addition of extra antenna like structure to the
T lymphocytes. After changing the T cells, these are then infused in to the same patient’s body. After
entering the patient’s body these new T cells will find and bind to the cancer cells and after binding
the cancer cells will be killed.

Car T-cell Therapy

Currently, this therapy is found to be helpful for few types of blood cancer. Many other countries
like USA, UK and China are using this therapy for treatment of blood cancer, for which charges are
around 4 to 5 crore.

In India this therapy is not yet approved but Phase I clinical trials have started
and are ongoing for B – Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia (B ALL) and Diffuse Large B cell Lymphoma
(DLBCL) at Tata Memorial Hospital.

The details of this clinical trail is available on CTRI website,
link – http://ctri.nic.in/

and ALL trial at

To know more about different cancers visit https://jascap.org/cancer-books-pdf/

Dr. (Surg Cdr) Gaurav Narula

Dr. (Surg Cdr) Gaurav Narula

Professor Pediatric Oncology & Health Sciences
Tata Memorial Centre, HBNI, Mumbai

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